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Old Posted Nov 10, 2015, 6:22 PM
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ithakas ithakas is offline
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I had some apprehensions when we first got the height figure for Jahn's tower and how it would fit into the Michigan Ave. street tower – not because of typical 'contextual' NIMBY arguments, but because of how Michigan Avenue's streetwall is critical to our skyline's cascading effect from the lakefront. My thinking was that we should build forward-thinking designs like Spertus at the general scale of the existing streetwall and use Wabash as an escape valve to build much taller.

However, seeing how Grant Park is framed on the NW versus SW corner in this photo changed my opinion, along with the revealed design of the Jahn tower, which I hope is my destiny to someday live in:

I agree with a lot of what is said here in framing the skyline with clusters at either corner of Grant Park with additional height:

To me, this tower is the southern half of Grant Park's Legacy.
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