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Old Posted Oct 2, 2015, 1:33 AM
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combusean combusean is offline
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Originally Posted by N830MH View Post
Why there is no super tall towers? Because of the height restrictions?
Because with the exception of Portland on the Park and Central Station (which is subsidized), towers aren't penciling out right now.

These are all reasonably dense, cheaply built projects that work for the availability of land.

Skyscrapers are massively expensive and due to the nature of their construction demand much higher rents than the high rents the low-rises will charge. If Phoenix lots were all filled up with dense projects, there would be more of a reason to start building skyscrapers.

I expect as some of the above projects get built and fill out, there might be a market for more towers. But right now, I'd find it odd that a developer would plunk down $100 - $200 million or more when the market is as crowded as it is.

I'm keeping this thread updated and adding new.

Qualifications for adding are any 3+ story infill/urban project.
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