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Old Posted Jun 28, 2015, 6:21 PM
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ardecila ardecila is offline
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OK, now I know Conservatory Tower is a dream. Underground parking? No way Jose....

Originally Posted by Randomguy34 View Post
There's going to build a pedestrian bridge to the Thompson Center and Dearborn Apartments? I understand Thompson Center so that tourists can quickly access Clark/Lake, but why the Dearborn Apartments?

Judging from the scaling of Live Aqua with respective to other towers, it looks like it's close to 900 ft at the tip.
The pedestrian bridges already exist, but they are also included in the initial PD as a public benefit, it was a gift the developer agreed to in exchange for additional density at Dearborn Apartments. The city tends to honor old zoning requirements like this, no way the developer could get away with tearing them down and not replacing them.

That said, this was always a weird upper-level appendage of the Pedway network and not terribly well-used even in winter. There's not a great planning argument for keeping the bridges, although they might bring a handful of customers to the 2nd-floor retail in 203 N LaSalle.
la forme d'une ville change plus vite, hélas! que le coeur d'un mortel...
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