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Old Posted Apr 7, 2015, 3:19 AM
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MonctonRad MonctonRad is offline
Wildcats Rule!!
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Moncton NB
Posts: 34,989
I agree with an HST hike. It's the quickest, easiest and simplest way to slay the deficit. A 2% increase (which would equal the rate in NS) would raise $250M, which is more than halfway to eliminating the deficit. It's a no brainer. The rest of the deficit could be dealt with by additional belt tightening and by growing the economy.

I agree with JHikka, I would not be at all surprised if the only reason that this hike to the HST was not done this year is because of the upcoming federal election. I also suspect that the main reason why provincial funding for the downtown Moncton events centre was not committed is also because of the federal election. If the province committed now, it would only make the incumbent Conservative MP Robert Goguen look good since he could claim to be the "white knight" delivering matching federal money. I find this type of politicking appalling and infuriating. This would not happen in the private sector and I'm sure that the potential developers find this all rather infuriating. I know I do.
Go 'Cats Go
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