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Old Posted Apr 7, 2015, 12:39 AM
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JHikka JHikka is offline
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Originally Posted by pierremoncton View Post
I think that the gas tax increase is a mistake; there should've been an HST increase and a new carbon tax instead. I'm not against the gas tax increase because it's going to cost me much (probably $10 a year), and I'm not for a carbon tax because I think it has any environment benefits (it's useless unless there's also an emissions cap).

Instead, I think that an HST increase would've leveled the field with Nova Scotia, which is better for the region as a whole. An HST increase would also have been an indirect luxury tax on the rich; people at the lower end of the income spectrum spend less on taxable goods, so there's less of an impact on them. An increase to the HST would further have negated any necessity for a gas tax increase.
What i've heard is the Liberals spared the HST increase this budget because of the impending Federal Election this fall and the impact it would have had on Federal Liberal candidates. If that is the case then don't be too surprised by an HST hike in 2016.

Agreed on the gas tax. I've read somewhere that the provincial gas tax alone accounts for roughly 25% of the current cost of gas (so roughly 0.25/litre).
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