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Old Posted Feb 25, 2015, 3:13 PM
SamInTheLoop SamInTheLoop is offline
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^ Generally agree. Also am surprised at Chuy's 34%, which I think was much better than his polling in the 20s - at most 25ish%......

Which actually makes me think that the conventional wisdom (I was thinking this earlier as well) going in - that lower turnout would help wrong might indeed have been dead-wrong......if you think about it, the most motivated voters in this contest probably have either anti-Rahm in general or anti-Rahm, pro-Chuy sentiment, so lower turnout (and by all accounts this one seemed to be exceptionally low) specifically hurt Rahm and helped Chuy I guess is that Rahm's people also now truly realize this - if they hadn't previously - and will do everything they can to encourage a much higher turnout in the runoff....

At any rate, I'm glad Chicago might actually have a real election/some real democracy/an actual choice and a good debate/discussion of the issues (well, we'll see on that one!) for a change.......
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