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Old Posted Feb 23, 2015, 11:20 PM
SamInTheLoop SamInTheLoop is offline
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Originally Posted by LouisVanDerWright View Post
^^^ Lol, you guys actually think Rauners budget is serious. The article above says it all, do you really think Rauner didn't go over this with Rahm first? It's clearly an engineered political move to give the governor leverage and probably, as a side benefit to Rahm he gets to railroad the governor for being a naughty Republican immediately before an election where he is having challenges reaching out to the more liberal voters in the city.

Rauner is basically saying "I can be a Scott Walker or we can work together". Anyone who thinks he doesn't know how ridiculous what he is proposing is doesn't understand how politics works. Now Rauner can "give ground" to the Democrats (after the Chicago election of course!) and eventually reach a compromise position.

So, I think we've all - or most have - acknowledged that this could very well be a far right wing opening salvo. And if Rauner has indeed been meeting with Rahm frequently since his election, then clearly Rahm is coaching him on political strategy here (Rauner would need it, as he's no longer dealing with small-time, wanna-get-rich-quck business types) - plotting strategy against/negotiating with the likes of Madigan and Cullerton qualifies as graduating to the big leagues for him....

You're point on "I can be Scott Walker, or ' '' '' " obviously makes no sense. This is Illinois and the democrats hold legislative supermajorities. Rauner actually maintains no optionality to in fact be a Scott Walker - it's not an available menu item for him, and everybody of any position of influence on the state political scene knows this....

But again, Ardecila's point was a salient one: We really just don't know at this point. Rauner does not have a political track record, we'll sure learn tons more in the months ahead....
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