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Old Posted Feb 13, 2015, 2:04 AM
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Originally Posted by cornholio View Post
If you have gone past the lease end date and a new lease has not been signed then you are month to month regardless of what you ticked and the move out clause is null and void. In this case they can only increase your rent by the allowed amount and they cant evict you unless a family member is moving in. If your lease is expiring give the tenancy branch a call and ask for clarification and/or arbitration. If your lease is still valid then they cant change it or enforce the move out clause until it expires.

Don't let a property management company trick you, they are notorious for that. Also be careful regarding misinformation. Believe it or not there is nothing illegal about lying to you and getting you to sign a new lease, but it is very profitable and many people fall for it.
Originally Posted by whatnext View Post
I have a question to those who seem knowledgable about leases, isn't Klaus' signed contract with the original owner, and not any new owner?
Thanks for these, but it is pretty clear case with our current rental agreement. It was knowingly set to end this April under our previous landlord. When the new owners took possession of the suite, we had papers moved to them under the same conditions (still ending in April). They did notify us exactly three months ahead of this that the lease is ending, but it can be renewed if agreeing to rent increase of 31,5%. So it has been done according to the book and unfortunately there is no way out of that.

But you are completely correct that these rental agencies are not to be trusted one bit. I have been inquiring other units in this building and I had one rental agency telling me how this one unit in this building has been tremendously successfully rented out almost constantly during the past 8 years they have been managing it. I asked about it from the concierge and their records show the unit having been empty for at least half of the time. In my latest email to them I called their BS, but I do not expect them to be admitting it or feeling one bit sorry for it.

It's actually a pretty funny unit. It is located around the same level in the building, but faces the least-desirable direction and has carpet in all rooms. Even then they are asking 54% more than we have been paying for a much more desirable one.

With that it is no wonder why the unit has sat empty half of the time. It's just pretty interesting think how stupid the landlord needs to be to continue making a loss years after year just because being so damn greedy. I suppose they pray on tenants utilizing the "Fool them once, shame on them..." philosophy...

We have spent so much time watching the market that we know the reasonable rent level. That's why I am still to make my case to our new landlord which I think has been BS'ed by the new rental agency to think their unit is worth much more than it really is. I don't know if a voice of reason will be of any help, but I will still do it when I just get the chance and have all these details.
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