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Old Posted Dec 30, 2014, 6:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Riverman View Post
It is called duplication of service. It is the NDP way to ensure the largest unionized workforce possible ahead of the next election. This is also the reason for the increase in the PST which was supposed to be used for infrastructure, but isn't.

Presently, government has deflected criticism of itself by starting a phoney leadership race, with candidates campaigning in the media like they would in an election. A perfect Manitoba style election, with only NDP candidates.
The increase in PST netted the province an extra $470 M but then the speNDP went and spent another $500M which they didn't have added to the provincial debt. in 2014. There is no amount of taxation revenue that this regime wouldn't squander, it really does't matter what the PST rate is, this govt. will spend it and double that in debt. I feel for people who will unable to leave this province in the future because it won't be pretty for those still left. Anyone read The Road by Cormac McCarthy, think of that....

Can any of you speNDP fans explain how we even begin to pay the excessive pensions and benefits for all those bureaucrats when they begin to retire with such a small ageing provincial population.

Last edited by rrskylar; Dec 30, 2014 at 7:19 PM.
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