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Old Posted Dec 21, 2014, 1:58 PM
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I had been thinking of starting a new thread on the next provincial budget seeing it could be a controversial one and may impact development in the city and the province. I figured we could probably just take the 2013 of the title of this thread instead of starting a brand new one.

I read back through the thread and it seems like some of the more controversial changes that were made in 2013 haven't gotten much attention since.

The privatization of the adult basic education program was super controversial. The only thing I have really heard on it since the privatization was from a woman who had protested the privatization, and she praised how much better it was delivered by Academy Canada.

I have not heard anything negative in the news about the school boards being reduced to one English and one French. I don't know if anyone else has heard much on it.

The government's decision to stop operating the West Coast Training Centre and handing it over to the municipality was another big issue. It has since been taken over by the YMCA. I haven't heard much on it but I did see some positive comments about how much better the facility was being run by the YMCA.

It's decisions like these that I think the government should be looking at. They were actually changes in the way services and programs were delivered.
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