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Old Posted Nov 24, 2014, 7:27 PM
Tech House Tech House is offline
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Originally Posted by lzppjb View Post
I fully support voter ID laws. But I also fully support getting every citizen some sort of acceptable form of ID. If they don't have transportation, we should get them a ride (pay for a taxi, volunteer, etc). If they can't travel for medical reasons, we should help them get one from home.

I don't want ID laws to keep people from voting unless they are doing so illegally. That's all it should be for. That's the ideal situation.

As for what I said about people needing to have knowledge about the issues before they vote, that's my frustration speaking. There should not be a poll tax, and probably should not be a poll quiz either. I say probably because I've seen so many interviews of voters who are so dumb, it amazes me they can put their shoes on in the morning. It's sad.
Well, darn, now I can't find much to disagree with in your position on this issue. I definitely like your opening remark about having ID laws AND providing ID to everyone. That is fair and there are quite a few good reasons for doing that, although it would cause a stink among those who get paranoid whenever anyone suggests some form of universal ID. "The mark of the beast!" "New world order!" "Illuminati!"

Speaking of which, does anyone else here feel embarrassed that Austin is the home of Alex Jones?
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