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Old Posted Nov 24, 2014, 3:07 PM
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lzppjb lzppjb is offline
7th Gen Central Texan
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Austin TX
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I fully support voter ID laws. But I also fully support getting every citizen some sort of acceptable form of ID. If they don't have transportation, we should get them a ride (pay for a taxi, volunteer, etc). If they can't travel for medical reasons, we should help them get one from home.

I don't want ID laws to keep people from voting unless they are doing so illegally. That's all it should be for. That's the ideal situation.

As for what I said about people needing to have knowledge about the issues before they vote, that's my frustration speaking. There should not be a poll tax, and probably should not be a poll quiz either. I say probably because I've seen so many interviews of voters who are so dumb, it amazes me they can put their shoes on in the morning. It's sad.
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