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Old Posted Nov 12, 2014, 11:38 PM
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GoldenBoot GoldenBoot is offline
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Location: Terra Firma
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Weston is funding the entire project? Interesting... If that is the case, it is not too often a developer completely finances his own project. Especially one of this scale (potentially).

Regarding banks and commercial real estate (CRE) are partially correct. A bank is not in the business of developing real estate. However, they do provide capital (in the form of commercial note facilities) to CRE projects. And just like any other capital investor, they will want their return on investment capital.

Frost makes millions of dollars in CRE capital investments every year. But, depending on the final scale of this project, they may not be able to finance the entire development even if approached to do so. Banks are heavily regulated as to how much they can loan in real estate capital, overall.
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SAN ANTONIO (City): 1,495,295 +4.23% - '20-'23 | SAN ANTONIO MSA (8 counties): 2,703,999 +5.70% - '20-'23
AUS-SAT REGION (MSAs/13 counties): 5,177,274 +6.94% - '20-'23 | *SRC: US Census*
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