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Old Posted Sep 9, 2014, 2:08 PM
bomberjet bomberjet is offline
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It's a bit more than one interchange. Includes raising and paving of 101 from almost Henderson to wenzel. That's a two year project itself. Then the reconstruction Of 59 from headmaster to past 202. Probably a two year project by itself. Then all the access road relocation/paving, the AT pathway, 6 bridges (at least) and the ramps. There's also a bunch of work to be done on the Raleigh/Gateway corridor north of 101, south of 202. 4 years seems reasonable to me. And it seems road access across 101 for Raleigh will be restored after 20 years or whatever.

CCW took over 3 years and that was a fresh build. Things take longer when you have to deal with existing roads, traffic management, etc. Construction is harder and takes longer when you have to work with existing conditions. Not trying to defend MIT, or saying they're God. Just thinking through it.

PS I don't think CCW is even completed as of yet. There's still ongoing bridge works, clean-up, etc.

Last edited by bomberjet; Sep 9, 2014 at 2:27 PM. Reason: Added stuff
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