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Old Posted Jul 30, 2014, 10:04 PM
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Jdawgboy Jdawgboy is offline
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Those are great shots corvairkeith! From that perspective they really give you a good idea of how large the site is. It's going to be a massive transformation and if done right will become the gateway to East Central Austin.

I just hope that this project will be an integrated extension of Plaza Saltillo. It should enhance the Hispanic cultural heritage of East Central architecturally and be an inviting place for people that live in the nieghborhood.

You know that old scrap metal yard has the potential to be reused in a number of ways and could easily complement the Plaza Saltillo area. I originally thought that it should be torn down, however I've changed my mind. The most striking thing about it is the smoke stack, something that is unique in this historically non-industrial city. If the site is not polluted or at least can be cleaned up, it could be rebuilt as a market district as in farmers market or open air cultural market. The smoke stack could be cleaned and lit up at night making it into an icon landmark. The buildings could be torn down in an open market district concept.

Another possible use would be to have it simply be another extension of the Plaza Saltillo area with mixed use elements, again leaving the smoke stack as an iconic center piece. When you think about the possibilities, all sorts of ideas pop out.
"GOOD TIMES!!!" Jerri Blank (Strangers With Candy)
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