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Old Posted Jul 14, 2014, 12:17 AM
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Chadillaccc Chadillaccc is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Cala Ghearraidh
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CMAs aren't amalgamated. Edmonton is 820 000 people with a CMA of around 1.3 million.

The city of Red Deer will likely be over 150 000 with many more in its future CMA. These cities/towns include Blackfalds, Sylvan Lake, Lacombe, Penhold, etc. But really, who knows what towns StatsCan will include in the CMA once it's created in the 2021 Census.

I could be being over zealous with the number of 350 000, but over 300 000 is likely, as Census District 8 will be around 400 000.
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Mohkínstsis — 1.6 million people at the Foothills of the Rocky Mountains, 400 high-rises, a 300-metre SE to NW climb, over 1000 kilometres of pathways, with 20% of the urban area as parkland.
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