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Old Posted Feb 5, 2014, 4:38 PM
mmikeyphilly mmikeyphilly is offline
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Originally Posted by Baconboy007 View Post
But wouldn't that mean we would lose our top floor restaurant and views?
Not necessarily. The extended height for the condos wouldn't have to have the "setback". They could be made as wide as the hotel portion. Maybe this would allow the space needed for a private elevator just for the condos. (I would think one elevator for 10 units would be sufficient, perhaps two if the space allows it.) The offices would have their own elevators, if workers wanted to go to the restaurant while at work, or after work, they could board a designated elevator that shares office/restaurant. Finally, the restaurant and observation area would have their own elevators. The hotel & observation elevator would bypass the condo units altogether. I'm not an architect, and I don't even know if that idea is feasible. I just dream up ideas of "what ifs", but sometimes brainstorming or throwing out wild ideas can be compromised.
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