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Old Posted Aug 14, 2013, 2:23 PM
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caltrane74 caltrane74 is offline
gettin' rich!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Toronto
Posts: 34,187
The condo market is cooling dramatically. There were times in the boom, when 3000 new (unbuilt) units would be sold in a month. Those days, are over, and I think going forward we will be lucky to see 900 to 1000 brand new units sold per month. This is actually a twofold decrease in part due to builders bringing supply off the market, and selling what they have in inventory, and also a fact that the market is just less now than it was in the past.

I don't doubt that in a few years time, the market for condos will get hot again, but we will likely never every see 27,000 brand new condo units sold in a single year ever again. That number is just mindboggling.


I think that the Yonge and Bloor (Yorkville Skyline) is now just part of the downtown Toronto skyline. It use to be a skyline unto itself, but now with Aura, and the Bay Street Towers it has morphed into one giant mega skyline, which will be triple peaked, with College Park (Aura), Central Business District (FCP) and Yonge and Bloor (One Bloor/Holts)
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