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Old Posted Jul 24, 2013, 6:40 PM
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Originally Posted by JamieDavid Exchange View Post
Why are all the "naysayers" over the grant to lure residential growth around the Downtown so up in arms about? This is not a new idea. Regina is offering a five year tax break to their residents who chose to move to their new iconic development by Fortress.

Does a five year tax break sound better than a one lump sum? A five year tax break here would be on average $17,000-$19,000 per unit. Much better than a onetime payment of $10,000, IMO. Plus, the city of Winnipeg will be collecting property tax over those five years from those who collected the $10,000! Sounds like a great offer to ALL the citizens of this city. $2.1 million up front for roughly $4 million in revenue after five years.
Is this the program in Regina you're referring to? I'm just looking for some background reference to draw some comparison to what we know was proposed here.
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