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Old Posted Jun 11, 2013, 5:46 PM
bomberjet bomberjet is offline
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I was just looking at the Plessis Underpass page here:

FAQ 5: Will traffic be restricted from travelling on Bournais Drive?
Traffic is not expected to be restricted on Bournais Drive; the City will monitor traffic prior to and during construction. The use of Bournais Drive as an alternative route during construction is not encouraged. Discussions are ongoing with Bernie Wolfe Community School and the River East Transcona School Division. Signage will be placed at strategic locations encouraging drivers to use alternative routes before entering the area.

"The use of Bournais Drive as an alternative route during construction is not encouraged"

What does the City expect everyone to use?! Get those magical flying cars that don't use roads? The only other options are Ravenhurst, which is basically at the perimeter. Or Lag which is further west. Almost 8km by along the rail line between the two. So you're potentially looking at a 10-15km detour through city traffic to get from one side to the other.

I doubt someone who lives in the middle will be driving that far out of the way. Bournais will be ridiculous.
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