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Old Posted Apr 6, 2013, 7:10 PM
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cruzin4u cruzin4u is offline
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Posts: 542
Some good news about this development.

"The size of the building, while huge even compared to surrounding buildings, was considered appropriate for its location between two major intersections on a busy artery."

"In the end, the group voted unanimously for refinements, not a total overhaul of the design."

Some comments from the DRP (Design Review Panel):

"Members felt that proposal was elegant and tasteful, but architecturally understated"

"Members felt the massing was relatively acceptable, but also that it was perhaps too rectilinear and reserved for a building that will have such a strong
presence upon the skyline

"At 80-storeys, they felt it was an opportunity to create a signature skyline building - ensure this opportunity is not missed - introduce more "adventure" into the tower expression"

More can be found at -