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Old Posted Dec 18, 2012, 11:31 PM
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SpongeG SpongeG is offline
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omg people stop nerding out

portland has some TOD you asked for examples i provided two - the pearl district and the South Waterfront are two examples of TOD in the USA

end of story

other people said i never mentioned some stations in Vancouver because I assumed everyone already knows of all the TOD in Vancouver

I personally like Portlands transit system and how it has retained its industrial areas, business areas and residential areas and that they are well served by LRT transit - the new orange line (opening in 2015) for portland will go into SE portland and serve that area well - it appears from the videos i have watched that it is industrial and home to 1100 businesses or something like that in that part of town - it will pass through the newly created TOD area of the south waterfront which will house businesses and condos alike - this area as only started developing in the past few years because of transit coming and serving the area

is that not the text book definitition of TOD?
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