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Old Posted Oct 21, 2012, 8:42 PM
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Originally Posted by vid View Post
Someone telling me that they are Christian, and someone telling me that I should be Christian with them, are two different things. Someone saying that he is Christian, and someone saying that he plans to incorporate Christianity into public policies that he affects, are also two different things.
I don't see where Clunis ever said that he was going to incorporate Christianity into public policy. It sounds like his private life involves a significant degree of dedication to Christianity, and I do not see how it could be construed as inappropriate conduct if he decides to pray by himself or with like-minded people during his off hours.

It may be offside to incorporate Christianity (or any sort of religion) directly into public policy, but there is certainly plenty of precedent for religion as a motivating factor. For the most obvious example, look no further than the NDP's connection to medicare - without the social gospel contingent driven by the Christian desire to improve the quality of life for the poor and working classes, medicare as we know it might not exist today. Would anyone describe medicare as an inappropriate policy choice on the basis that many of its early supporters were Christians who saw this as a way to advance their own worldviews?
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