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Old Posted Apr 27, 2012, 3:55 AM
migol24 migol24 is offline
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Originally Posted by nixcity View Post
Well it just shows the intelligence of these kinds of people, they complain first and foremost about traffic increasing. Don't they realize that by putting the people right there on the main street means they will NOT be in their neighborhoods...especially true with burnet. Try and get on a public forum blog or keep in contact with these kinds of people to educate them on the basics. You can always get them by rubbing their fake "green" noses in it by asking them if they are environmentalists,,,or just green to be catchy???And living here they basically have to say yes. Then simply ask them where they plan on putting all the people that are moving here...if the answer is sprawl then he is talking about taking out big chunks of the ENVIRONMENT for crap!!!!
yup. I was trying to explain this to my co-worker here in SF. He also lived in Austin and was complaining with all the building going on and said that its looking more like Houston and Dallas. When I started explaining he seemed to understand it a little bit but wasn't still buying it. I just don't get it with these kinds of people. Where do they learn their stuff from?
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