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Old Posted Aug 4, 2011, 10:28 PM
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Jamaican-Phoenix Jamaican-Phoenix is offline
R2-D2's army of death
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Ideally, this is what I would like to see as far as parties are concerned:

Green Democrats (Green party and far-left NDP combined into one party)

Liberal Democrats (remainder of NDP combined with left-leaning Liberals)

Progressive Party (remaining Liberals with moderate and progressive Conservatives)

Conservative Party (remaining Conservatives)

Throw in alternative voting like what they have in Australia, and we have a very fair and balanced system that could allow for three of the four parties to have an equally likely shot at forming a government.
Franky: Ajldub, name calling is what they do when good arguments can't be found - don't sink to their level. Claiming the thread is "boring" is also a way to try to discredit a thread that doesn't match their particular bias.
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