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Old Posted Apr 19, 2011, 1:21 PM
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Originally Posted by djlx2 View Post
I'm glad this one has gotten a pass to move forward.
It's always had a pass to move forward, but there was the matter of tenants, financing, etc. Originally planned as a 70-story tower, then a shorter office tower, no again morphing to a 70 or so story tower.

It will be interesting indeed to see if this one breaks 1,000 ft. It's close enough to the Tower Verre and Carnegie 57 sites to be included with those towers in terms of location on the skyline and relation to surrounding area.

Meanwhile, sources said Los Angeles-based CIM has tried to lure Mandarin Oriental, Taj, and One&Only Resorts to operate a high-end inn on the lower floors, with luxury condo apartments to rise above them.
Waiting to see how this one turns out.

Originally Posted by 599GTO View Post
Generally, I don't like boxy flat top buildings either

I actually generally HATE flat buildings. And I generally like spires but this city has enough of them. Time to move on.
The skyline doesn't have enough actually. Considering the enormous amount of skyscrapers on the skyline, there is still a way to go before the classic New York skyline is returned, especially with the coming wall of boxy towers on the west side. I think this would be a great site for a spire, higher than the Chrysler, and a throwback of sorts to iconic New York.
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“Office buildings are our factories – whether for tech, creative or traditional industries we must continue to grow our modern factories to create new jobs,” said United States Senator Chuck Schumer.