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Old Posted Apr 3, 2011, 11:21 PM
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Posts: 575
Thanks for the replies everyone - I appreciate the feedback.

Originally Posted by Coldrsx
Killer hood, would never have expected quite so much period housing.
Yeah - this seems to be the prevailing image of Denver - of which I'm hopefully changing. Denver has a solid core with many historic neighborhoods which I'm slowly profiling here on SSP. Canadians don't seem to think of Denver as a historic city either - In fact, I've seen posters on here claim that even Calgary beats any 'New' city in America in terms of history, urbanity, architecture, and general 'joie de vive'. As you might have suspected I respectfully disagree.

Originally Posted by glowrock
Fantastic tour, CPVLIVE! If only one minor quibble, it appears that you do a considerable amount of post-processing on your photos. Call me a purist, but sometimes it's just too much for me!
No hurt feelings here glow. There is no such thing as 'pure' photography. Either you defer to the camera's processor or you you take charge of all the elements yourself, but either way it's not pure. I used very little post processing in this thread and no multiple exposures. The camera is a clumsy substitute for the human eye, and as such it's necessary to adjust for the different light and shadow one might see in a single image. I do crank up the saturation as it is often necessary to equal the color as seen by the human eye. If you shoot at the right time of day (early morning, late evening) you often capture the vivid colors naturally. A few shots in this thread were taken in mid-afternoon and needed considerable post processing just to view them due to harsh sunlight. In the end it's all a matter of preference.
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