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Old Posted Feb 21, 2011, 8:18 AM
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invisibleairwaves invisibleairwaves is offline
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People can get addicted to anything. Should we run the local video game developers out of town because some people get hooked on that? Or ban any one of the massive list of hobbies that people spent fortunes on?

Yeah, gambling addictions suck. But that's the cost of living in a free society, where the government doesn't swoop in and eradicate anything that might potentially harm someone somewhere. Objecting to a casino (that already exists) to prevent gambling addictions just isn't reasonable. And of course if you fail to provide people with a legal way of doing something, they will do it illegally instead, and all the societal ills that go with it will be far, far worse than they would have been with a legal, accountable, easily policed casino.
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