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Old Posted Feb 21, 2011, 4:48 AM
whatnext whatnext is offline
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Originally Posted by dreambrother808 View Post
Being against casinos is puritanical malarky, IMO.
What right do people think they have to make such "moral" judgements?
If that's what they're basing their protest on...
There is no socially redeeming quality to gambling whatsoever. The saddest thing I ever saw was going into River Rock and seeing seniors spending their pension cheques sitting glassy eyed in front of slot machines. Its a fools game, where the odds are always in favour of the house. What's the "entertainment value" in that? There is little unique in a casino that will bring tourists to Vancouver, that's just a crock.

The jobs argument is a weak one. Why not build a nuclear power plant in metro, since it will create jobs as well. I've seen friends driven to scamming money off their elderly parents to support a gambling addiction. Since it doesn't involves shootings etc its not sexy enough to make the news. The city might just as well slap a tax on crack, and then peddle it at Main & Hastings to make a quick buck.
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