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Old Posted Dec 18, 2010, 2:54 PM
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UrbanTrance UrbanTrance is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: L.A.
Posts: 586
Well it sounds like it is finally getting under construction.
Kirana Luxury Condominiums Tower

The Mayor, City Council members and staff attended the ground breaking ceremony for the Kirana Luxury Condominiums Tower on Thursday, December 16, 2010. Kirana Luxury Condos is a 39-story condominium tower with 91 units which 70% of them have been pre-sold.

“We are excited to have this upscale multimillion-dollar condominium complex here at the Island. This project shows signs that the economy is growing and will only bring good things to the Island,” ” said City Manager, Joni Clarke.
SPI Town

Here's to hoping this goes well!