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Old Posted May 7, 2010, 10:24 AM
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HomeInMyShoes HomeInMyShoes is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Location: File 13
Posts: 13,992


What are you shooting with and what would you like to shoot with?
D80 nikon with a new 16-85mm plus on rare occasions I'll use the 55-200 plastic junker lens, as far as what I would like to shoot with.. well I wouldn't turn down a Leica M9, my last fim camera was a Contax G2 so I'm rather fond of rangefinder cameras

If you could sum up your style in one photograph what photo would it be?
Well if anyone is familiar with Dennis Stock's iconic image of James Dean in time square will recognize my shameless attempt to recreate the look and mood of that shot ,sometimes I've come quite close other times it's crash & burn

Talk about your inspirations and influences.
You have to love the work Andreas Feininger did photographing Manhattan in the 40's and 50's and who can't be impressed with the photo's of the world's greatest living photographer Sebastiao Salgado
I also love the work of great cinematographers like Gordon Willis (The Godfather) and fellow paisano Vittorio Storaro (Apocalypse now)...and what the hell might as well mention Pink Floyd

Where have you not been that you want to photograph?
I'd like to spend 1 month photographing New York, but considering the fact I have no passport I can't even cross the border(thanks George Bush)

Talk about your most popular (in your opinion) photothreads.
Popular? all the threads i've posted usually get about 1000 views and a couple of pages of comments (mostly from Montreal forumers) then they go on to collect cyber dust

Talk about your photothreads that didn't get the response you wanted.
In all honesty I couldn't care less with the response the nonsense I post gets's not like I make money from from them

Any tips or personal wisdom you'd like to pass on to others?
Yes get out there and shoot until your finger falls off and if your going to shoot hot chicks make sure their boyfriends or husbands are not around

Who should we ask these questions of next?
Go with The kingofthehill that young lad certainly seems to get around

-- “We heal each other with kindness, gentleness and respect.” -- Richard Wagamese
-- “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” -- Dr. Seuss
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