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Old Posted Jan 20, 2010, 7:30 PM
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Originally Posted by hulkrogan View Post
When I used to live up there I took the train all the time. While taking care of their place I'd often have to stop home in Bridgeland and the way up to take care of stuff/grab stuff at my own house, so it was just a convenience thing.

I drive an Audi S4... a very thirsty 4.2L V8. In the winter given the traffic and gas additives, I'm usually around 330km/tank.

I know it's horrible and I'm killing the planet, but it really doesn't leave my garage much as I walk/bike/take transit as my main methods of transportation, so I make up for my reduced commute C02 by having something that is fun to whip around in when I do drive
You're not killing the planet, you might be making it uninhabitable for humans, but the planet will be here long after we're gone. Besides if you don't have kids and you're not planning on having kids, you've already done your part in saving the environment.
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