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Old Posted Dec 9, 2009, 8:45 AM
Cyprose Cyprose is offline
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Originally Posted by Miguel Rodriguez View Post
If construction were to move forward it would parallel the construction of the Empire State building in some ways - it was constructed during the great depression and provided a source of employment for many of the city's work-starved construction firms.

The depression helped construction move forward quickly because workers were willing to put in overtime nights and weekends and materials were cheap. Same recessionary boost for the Spire?
The depression killed far more buildings then it may have helped. Look at the 30 or so completed stories out of the 100+ planned for met-life north. The never realized second tower for the Detroit book building. The Hearst building being nothing more than a foundation and short stump until it was topped off by a Foster design in the early 2000s.

And then there are all the buildings that never got as far as the foundations: Larkin tower, the Fashion building, Apparel Mart, ect.
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