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Old Posted Jul 24, 2009, 3:23 PM
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Stormer Stormer is offline
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Hoeding! OMG that parking looks awful.

I wouldn't be too focussed on the location of the existing tunnels. I expect there will be more than one crossing of the tracks. I would like to see a wide bridge over the tracks at Scarth Street that would allow pedestrians and maybe even vehicles to cross and give a feel that the stadium area is part of downtown rather than cut off by the tracks. The bridge could even have landscaping, outdoor art, kiosks, etc. Think of the famous Rialto Bridge in Venice.

This is a natural spot for a bridge as it would go in the space between the post office and Casino Show Lounge/Casino office building. It would lead directly into the North entrance of the Cornwall Centre and into the main hall of the mall which is really just an enclosed streetch of Scarth St. It then leads to the South exit on the the F.W. Hill Pedestrian Mall.