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Old Posted Jul 16, 2009, 3:00 PM
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Originally Posted by mikeR View Post
I swear my building could stand lol. Actually I don't know if it could but I was thinking it could be built like a segmental bridge which each floor was precast lifted into place and strung together with tension cables that were fastened to the bedrock. That way the force of the building would be pulled back toward the previous floor rather than straight down. Would that work?
I dont think so.Can you please do a schematic?? Maybe in Sketchup itself. Draw the cables.

imho, even if this building was made of graphene or carbon nanotubles, the top floors would swing up and down with each step.

If instead of doing a corkscrew, each floor was just to the up and to the side (suppose the building looked like a staircase), the forces involved would be basically the same. On other words, it would stand unless there was something supporting the top floors.

btw, how did you planned for people to go up the building? A spiral elevator?

imho, creating a central core around which the floors would rotate (and through which there would be elevators, staircases and pipes and electricity systems), would greatly increase the realism of your project
Easy, Tychus. This ainĀ“t science fiction
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