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Old Posted Nov 26, 2008, 8:43 PM
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What could go wrong?
Join Date: Jun 2004
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What real negatives can there be from a 300,000 sq ft, tax generating, employee generating, tourist generating, PRIVATE business setting up shop in Winnipeg be. It's not like they will be block busting and expropriating houses in the north end. They will set up shop on some vacant field off Kenaston and Sterling Lyon or Bishop Grandin. I like many others here think that most of their stuff is crap but it is a fun store and i feel it would do wonders for the ego of many Winnipegers. Many will argue the merits of what it really offers peggers but us, on this forum are few and far between in terms of the feelings of the general population. So for that i say bring it, it will be good for the city in more ways than one.
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