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Old Posted Sep 19, 2008, 4:30 AM
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trueviking trueviking is offline
surely you agree with me
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: winnipeg
Posts: 13,516
is our location really an advantage? isnt 1910 anymore where everything was put on a train and marched west for days...

let me understand this...stuff is taken off a ship in vancouver and has to go either to the west coast of the US, or the eastern half of canada and the US...why is winnipeg a logical place to process it?.....wouldnt vancouver be that location?...or toronto?

if the goods are going south to the 100m people who live in the west, then it makes no sense to bring it to winnipeg.

if the goods are going to the 200m people on the eastern seaboard, then why is winnipeg not just another marker on the route?...why stop here, unload everything and then reload everything and keep going on the same path you were already on? .....there is nothing north or south of us and goods dont travel east to west anymore, so why wouldnt it all just keep heading east and get processed where everyone lives?

and how does the stuff get to winnipeg to be processed?.....where is everything processed now?

seems like an odd thing to hang your hat on.

Last edited by trueviking; Sep 19, 2008 at 5:00 AM.
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