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Old Posted Aug 11, 2008, 9:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Biff View Post
Steely Does everybody in the building back into their spots - just because it's convenient, or is that a rule for parking? I never once saw a car nose first in a spot.
all parking in marina city's garages is strictly valet only, meaning that no one from the general public is allowed to park their own car on the parking ramps. the valets who park the cars have obviously found that it's easier to back into the spaces as opposed to pulling into them head first, hence why you always see the cars parked in backwards.

Originally Posted by JMO_0121 View Post
Dan, has the glass always been like that? Or have they replaces it over the years? it looks very modern
i think the glass is original, but i really don't know as i've only lived here for a year and a half. i suppose it's possible that at some point in the last 40 years the glazing has all been replaced, but the window system - the mullions, sills, heads, etc. - all look original to me.

Originally Posted by JMO_0121 View Post
.And one last question, how do you go about parking? OMG, i would not love to park at the 19th floor, i would vomit or something, or think im going up the mountain in Colombia
as i told Biff, all parking in the garages is done by valets. also, i don't own a car, so the functional practicalities (or lack thereof) of the garage have never concerned me.
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