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Old Posted Sep 25, 2007, 11:44 AM
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Andy6 Andy6 is offline
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Well, when you're building an insta-city out of nothing (like Calgary) you can put freeways wherever you want, but in the case of established cities like Winnipeg or Toronto building freeways means destroying significant parts of the existing social or structural fabric. The freeway plan that existed in Winnipeg in the 1960s would have totally destroyed large parts of the city with unsightly raised roads. Developments like the Forks and other riverside projects would have been impossible. Many older neighbourhoods would have been sliced up and cut off and even worse off than they are now. So it's fortunate in many respects that the freeway plans were shelved. Even the Disraeli Freeway, a short elevated road that did get built, managed to devastate an entire inner-city neighbourhood.
crispy crunchy light and snappy
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