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Old Posted May 19, 2007, 1:07 PM
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yangtze yangtze is offline
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Originally Posted by gttx View Post
Novare's buildings aren't typically that tall because, while they tout "10 foot ceilings," they do everything in their power to keep the concrete floor slabs to a minimum thickness (usually about 7"). This way, they can pack as many condos into as little physical space as possible.
Metropolis has 10'' concrete floor slabs. After Metropolis, the slab thickness
was reduced to 7'' in Spire etc. I beleive thats because Metropolis was the
1st building in this style for Novare, and he had to break into the market,
so the quality of construction was high. But after Metropolis was sold out so quickly,
they reduced the costs, hence 7'' slabs, no more porte cochere, no
air rights for the park view, increase in number of units/tower etc.