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Old Posted Apr 16, 2007, 12:27 AM
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sandiegodweller sandiegodweller is offline
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Originally Posted by mello View Post
So if there are tens of thousands of people here in San Diego County who would love to live in these downtown highrises but can't afford it what is the problem? I think it is that companies in this metro area don't pay very well and there isn't a large corporate base here.

There aren't enough jobs paying in the 80K to 120k per year range, because lets face it that is about what you have to make to afford a highrise condo downtown. Most of the people that go clubbing or eat out downtown go "wow i'd love to live here" but they are in the 22 to 40 age bracket and probably only earn 40k to 60k per year.

Think about it how many young "hipsters" do you know that make $80,000 dollars per year and up?? Most young people have crappy sales jobs, waiters, service industry type wage earner jobs. Our economy here isn't producing enough jobs that pay 80k and up. Look at the job growth in this county, the sectors that are growing are the low paying positions. *under 60k per year*

This is my assesment, do you guys agree.
Very valid arguements.

On the other hand is there anywhere in San Diego County that can you legitimatley qualify for a new home with a $60,000 annual salary?
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