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Old Posted Apr 13, 2007, 6:49 PM
MarketsWork MarketsWork is offline
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Originally Posted by cabasse View Post
careful, markets might cut you for saying something - anything - negative about a developer. hehe

other than chicago, i can't really think of any other city where trump built a truly standout building. his new york developments are nice, but so is this - nice, but not amazing. i'd actually go as far as saying trump towers atlanta seem to be more attractive than most others out there; look at philly's or tampa's for example.
Alright -- my CrackBerry is on the fritz, and I am downright crotchety today! But a fresh pot of coffee has restored my mellow outlook. Apologies to cokezero and innocent bystanders for my irritability. Dammit.

I agree with your assessment of Trump Towers Atlanta. There can only be one "best" -- and that one clearly is rising by the Chicago River -- but that doesn't mean that anything less can't still be very good. TTA is pretty damned nice, and will make a beautiful addition to the Midtown skyline. And I think the Mandarin renderings are beautiful. In general, unless a new tower is just plain butt-ugly, I'll tip my hat to the developer and hope he builds more...