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Old Posted May 2, 2024, 1:07 PM
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Originally Posted by lio45 View Post
Not sure, even when it's really hot outside going into frigid water is never pleasant. (BTW nice to see you posting here again, it's been a while, no?)

Personally, I find that even "hot" water (which in reality is not actually close to bathwater ) is nice and refreshing. From personal experience, on a hot day in August in Southern California going into the Pacific is unpleasant, while on a hot day in August on the FL Space Coast going into the Atlantic is enjoyable.
ha, yes, thx. i have two small children and travel for work a lot these days. i pretty much only travel to warm and "hot" places these days for work and am still based out of st. louis (which of course gets more hot +humid than the rest of the larger midwestern cities other than KC) so my "world" is increasingly warm/hot so that's where my head is...

my childhood summers were spent at the gulf which meant *really* warm water and endless sunburns so i appreciate a bracing dip in the pacific or great lakes and a little less harsh summer sun. i can appreciate the difference in the "quality" of the sunlight at higher latitudes (chicago and north) in the summer...the suns light is more pale and obviously less intense.

Arizona this week - i may have to do a short Tempe photo thread if I have time since its been quite a while.
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