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Old Posted Apr 11, 2024, 5:23 PM
wags_in_the_peg's Avatar
wags_in_the_peg wags_in_the_peg is offline
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Disagree on the design has lazy street interaction. My wife and I sitting on out patio playing a game of cribbage can still say Hi to people walking by, but I dont need them being able to see my cards and telling her what I have! Also, think about the massive increase of non-desirables walking our streets and the massice increase in property crime. Having a "small barrier" wont stop them, but it makes it less easy for them.

Great discussion, but as a future condo owner (3-5 yrs) I personally would love one of these ground floor suites. the advantage of having a large patio, outweights having a higher floor river view but much smaller outdoor space.
just an ordinary Prairie Boy who loves to be in the loop on what is going on
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