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Old Posted Apr 1, 2024, 3:04 AM
LouisVanDerWright LouisVanDerWright is offline
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What a fucking shit show BJ has turned out to be. Utter embarrassment on all fronts and now I'm hearing that even some of his closest progressive allies are thinking of turning on him.

Meanwhile city council is debating making cancelling Shot Spotter a ward by ward decision and allowing some wards to keep it if they want.

Obviously BHC failed in humiliating fashion. Then his Chief of Staff resigns.

Instead of acknowledging that voters have resoundingly rejected his shitty agenda and calling for a change of course, he goes full Smollet and blames MAGA voters for his failures.

Given the mechanics of Chicagos system, he's not just a weak mayor, but the position of acting mayor is basically up for grabs. Whoever in city council can string together a block of 26 votes can basically appoint themselves mayor by totally taking over the legislative process since there's no veto and the Mayor has basically no powers if he doesn't have the backing of a council majority.

To make things even worse, the outcomes of this primarily imply Johnson has already done deep damage to the "progressive" cause. Voters are turning not only on his agenda, but associated candidates. I can't help but think there are many allies in city council considering the fact that continuing to tie themselves to this sinking ship will likely make them lose the next election. Again, knocking off rogue alders is how the mayor is supposed to rule. The consequences of not participating in his agenda are supposed to result in lost elections for noncompliant alders.

Instead we are looking at a situation where alders are probably more afraid of being associated with this clown show than of Bozo himself.
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