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Old Posted Oct 30, 2023, 5:09 PM
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Acajack Acajack is offline
Unapologetic Occidental
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Province 2, Canadian Empire
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The Buffy kerfuffle is a pretty good example of what I'm saying.

People who would normally be all reverential and hold all things specifically and uniquely Indigenous as sacrosanct are all pissed at the CBC for going after Buffy.

Why is that? Because they like Buffy and what she stands or stood for.

It doesn't matter what she did. What matters is that it's her that's involved.

Now, people should know that I am of the view that culture is mostly acquired as opposed to innate. So I happen to believe that people like Buffy should be able to become full-fledged members of an Indigenous nation.

Heck, I even think that there maybe should have been a way for someone as passionate as Rachel Dolezal to be considered a full-fledged member of the African-American community. (Minus all the fraud and deceit of course - actually, it wouldn't have been necessary in that case.)

But our times don't allow for such things.
The Last Word.
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