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Old Posted Oct 26, 2023, 5:42 PM
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someone123 someone123 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
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A lot of people in less prosperous areas or communities think of material success as coming from government assistance and think rich people got the most handouts and so it is unfair. You see this in parts of rural Atlantic Canada (the traditional Canadian policy approach there being to kneecap the economy and then provide handouts). It can help but for individuals to thrive they need positive incentives, which basically means gaining skills, working, and profiting from that. You can make people poorer by giving them handouts and structuring their intergenerational wealth in a way that traps them.

Another incorrect view is when people over-ascribe problems to discrimination or past grievances. Those things have an impact for sure but it's not 100% of what's going on. Around here the discrimination part is minor compared to what advantages or disadvantages people get growing up and how much hard work pays off for them. Note that having ultra high rents and real estate is bad for just about everybody, indigenous or not. If you are lower income you'll feel the effects more.
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