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Old Posted Aug 17, 2023, 3:46 PM
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Originally Posted by edale View Post
Can I ask where you found his prints for sale? I'm also really drawn to his art, and would love to purchase a print for my apartment.

Thanks for sharing your photos of Riverside, Sopas. I really want to take a day to go out there and explore the area, and definitely visit the Cheech. I've driven through, but never actually explored Riverside. It seems like it's much nicer than neighboring San Bernardino.
Thanks for your comment edale!

Riverside is indeed much nicer than San Bernardino; I honestly don't know how San Bernardino became the way it is; I could be wrong but I thought that both cities historically had a large citrus industry. I know San Bernardino is on historic Route 66, and that might've been its heyday pre-interstate freeway? I'm not sure. In fact the only thing in San Bernardino I took a picture of, years ago, is the Wigwam Motel, which is right on Route 66.

Riverside's downtown/core is the most interesting part. The rest of it looks like typical post-war SoCal suburbia, at least what I've seen. Some agriculture still exists in Riverside, and if I remember correctly, there's even agricultural areas adjacent to the UC Riverside campus... I haven't been to that part of town in a long time.
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