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superfishy Jun 4, 2018 9:54 PM

Picture I took from the base of Savina (left) a couple weeks ago.

superfishy Jun 4, 2018 9:55 PM

Oops, sorry for such a massive image. Don't know how to resize it.

JManc Jun 4, 2018 10:56 PM

Is that building near Little Italy? If so, walked right by it yesterday.

HurricaneHugo Jun 5, 2018 3:05 AM


Originally Posted by JManc (Post 8209332)
My wife and I stayed at the Marriott Marina (she's still there) and I just have to say, this is an amazing city and I don't know why I waited so long to visit.

Glad you liked it!

You're from Houston, what would you recommend to visit there?

Might go for a wedding later this summer

JManc Jun 5, 2018 2:48 PM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHugo (Post 8210013)
Glad you liked it!

You're from Houston, what would you recommend to visit there?

Might go for a wedding later this summer

Houston is not a touristy town. At all but definitely check out the museums (Natural Science, Fine Arts, Menil, Holocaust, etc) and if you're a foodie, this is the place to be. I won't bother mentioning the zoo because you guys pretty much got that covered over there...

eburress Jun 5, 2018 4:32 PM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHugo (Post 8210013)
Glad you liked it!

You're from Houston, what would you recommend to visit there?

Might go for a wedding later this summer

For your sake, unless you like suffocating humidity, I hope it's a heavily air conditioned indoor wedding! :diablo: :)

SDCAL Jun 10, 2018 1:09 AM

Horton Plaza more drama
I thought this article was interesting:

Jimbo’s is suing Westfield Horton Plaza. The 15 year contract they signed stated Westfield would operate a “first class regional” shopping center, and clearly that hasn’t been done.

So not only are they bleeding tenants, one of the few that remains is suing them for millions.

I wonder if this will help expedite the redevelopment?

It’s really a shame Westfield let it get to this point. Hopefully an overhaul will happen soon. I do go to Jimbo’s every couple of weeks and each time it seems like HP gets more seedy. Not only are many of the stores closed, but I noticed yesterday they aren’t even doing basic upkeep like painting and structural repairs.

I think if they put street level retail along 4th it would do really well with all the foot traffic from the Gaslamp,amp.html

Northparkwizard Jun 10, 2018 2:01 AM

Full Kettner & Hawthorn Drawings

Steadfast Jun 10, 2018 6:07 AM

That project looks pretty great... Should be a very nice addition to the neighborhood.

Will O' Wisp Jun 11, 2018 7:49 AM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 8216015)
I thought this article was interesting:

Jimbo’s is suing Westfield Horton Plaza. The 15 year contract they signed stated Westfield would operate a “first class regional” shopping center, and clearly that hasn’t been done.

So not only are they bleeding tenants, one of the few that remains is suing them for millions.

I wonder if this will help expedite the redevelopment?

It’s really a shame Westfield let it get to this point. Hopefully an overhaul will happen soon. I do go to Jimbo’s every couple of weeks and each time it seems like HP gets more seedy. Not only are many of the stores closed, but I noticed yesterday they aren’t even doing basic upkeep like painting and structural repairs.

I think if they put street level retail along 4th it would do really well with all the foot traffic from the Gaslamp,amp.html

If you read between the lines the story is a bit more interesting. Jimbo's is saying that Westfield promised a "$400 million dollar investment" into Horton Plaza that encouraged them to put down $5 mil of their own to make improvements in anticipation. I've heard that "$400 million" figure before, that was the expected cost renovate but not redevelop HP. They'd knock down the parking garage, build retail along the street edges, and redesign the entrances/exits to be more open but keep the basic structure intact. Now Jimbo's is saying that plan has been abandoned and Westfield is going to sell. And if Westfield is selling that means one thing: the entire plaza is going to be bulldozed down to street level and rebuilt from the ground up.

Jimbo's is understandably upset, they just spent $5 million dollars improving a store that's now about to be demolished. But Westfield never put down any renovation promises in writing, and "first-class regional shopping center” isn't a legally defined term. However, Jimbo's knows that outstanding legal issues will reduce HP's sales price, so Westfield will settle out of court for some undisclosed sum.

Steadfast Jun 13, 2018 6:08 AM

More news on Horton Plaza changing hands...

Will O' Wisp Jun 14, 2018 8:10 PM

And we have confirmation!

Buyer is Stockdale Capital, it looks like this is their first property in SD. The article mentions Stockdale is looking to build mixed use office/retail on the site.

spoonman Jun 14, 2018 9:07 PM

Looking at their website it appears that Horton Plaza is far and away the most important project they have ever done, or have done as of late. Will be interesting to see if they have the clout and resources to do something with the center.

Steadfast Jun 15, 2018 5:03 AM

There was a blurb in one of the articles about the developer converting the old Nordstrom site into creative, co-working space.
I bet that would be a good demographic fit for the area!
Fingers crossed they can move quickly...

The Flying Dutchman Jun 16, 2018 8:29 PM

To piggyback off the above post, Horton Plaza to be redone as office campus:

Good news, I think. San Diego really needs this. Sometimes I feel our downtown is 'hollow' with mostly hotels and service-type jobs, and empty nesters. Should add vibrancy, especially if workers live downtown, extending to after-hours.

embora Jun 17, 2018 2:28 AM

I went to Horton Plaza yesterday for the first time in a few months, and a whole lot of the stores are closed and the windows are covered up. Probably connected with the sale of the property.

Steadfast Jun 17, 2018 5:26 AM


Originally Posted by The Flying Dutchman (Post 8223330)
Good news, I think. San Diego really needs this. Sometimes I feel our downtown is 'hollow' with mostly hotels and service-type jobs, and empty nesters. Should add vibrancy, especially if workers live downtown, extending to after-hours.

Totally agree.
I'm actually really excited about this proposal... Not only should it eliminate the " fortress" feeling of the current mall, it should have a really positive impact on the edges of the gaslamp.
I'd really like to see that whole area get a little less kitchy & more useable by downtown residents.

The Flying Dutchman Jun 17, 2018 5:44 PM

As someone who lives downtown, I couldn't agree more.

CaliNative Jun 20, 2018 9:46 AM


Originally Posted by Steadfast (Post 8223590)
Totally agree.
I'm actually really excited about this proposal... Not only should it eliminate the " fortress" feeling of the current mall, it should have a really positive impact on the edges of the gaslamp.
I'd really like to see that whole area get a little less kitchy & more useable by downtown residents.

How about putting up a new basketball/hockey arena at the Horton site? San Diego is big enough to attract new teams here. The old Midway arena is old and too small for big league hockey and basketball. Need at least 20,000 seats nowdays. Of course, would need a guarantee of teams before being built. Would bring a lot of economic activity to the area on game days, as nearby Petco Park does on game days. Quite sure the Horton parcel is big enough for an arena.

S.DviaPhilly Jun 20, 2018 5:08 PM


Originally Posted by CaliNative (Post 8226917)
How about putting up a new basketball/hockey arena at the Horton site? San Diego is big enough to attract new teams here. The old Midway arena is old and too small for big league hockey and basketball. Need at least 20,000 seats nowdays. Of course, would need a guarantee of teams before being built. Would bring a lot of economic activity to the area on game days, as nearby Petco Park does on game days. Quite sure the Horton parcel is big enough for an arena.

I did hear a rumor about a year ago that the guy who purchased and is bringing major league lacrosse to San Diego, was thinking about building an arena downtown where the Chargers stadium was proposed on tailgate park. All privately financed and it would be a hockey, basketball and a lacrosse arena. The rumor is the Anaheim Mighty Ducks would move down to SD (since the Honda Center is dated), The Gulls back up to Anaheim and the NBA is going to expand by two teams...bring the SuperSonics back to Seattle and expanding a team down here in SD. This guy currently owns I think 49% of the Brooklyn Nets so he has invested interested in the NBA already. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!

Then imagine what could be developed where the Sports Arena sits now. Super prime location/valuable land!

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