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jason21atl Jun 8, 2006 10:34 PM

ATLANTA | Viewpoint | 501 FT / 153 M | 36 FLOORS
Well, since construction has seemed to have gotten underway, I guess we can start a sub-forum on this project to post pictures and updates. The first phase, which is under construction now will be 36 stories and will have 383 one and two bedroom units. The ground floor will have 30,000 square feet of restaurant and retail space, supposedly on two levels (that is a first for Midtown, I think).

Here is the original rendering before it was changed to a three tower project:

Here is the updated rendering of the first phase (under construction now) without the other two towers:

Finally, here are some construction photos of the site being cleared and prep-work being started. These were originally posted by DeliaC on 6/5/2006 in the Atlanta Construction Forum:

I can't wait to see this one go up!!! :banana:


ATLskyline Jun 8, 2006 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by jason21atl
I can't wait to see this one go up!!! :banana:

Yeah this one and The Atlantic. :D

ATLmangum Jun 9, 2006 3:26 PM

Slowly the gap between upper Midtown and SoNo is filling in. Soon the BOA building won't be so lonely.

mexibone Jun 10, 2006 7:56 PM

I really like this one for some reason... can't wait to see it go up!

427MM Jun 10, 2006 9:46 PM

Novare is my hero! Great news that this is under construction, now when will they or have they already began this beauty?

I’m coming through Atlanta in January and it simply won’t get here fast enough. Such good times in the ATL!

smArTaLlone Jun 10, 2006 9:55 PM


Originally Posted by 420MM
Novare is my hero! Great news that this is under construction, now when will they or have they already began this beauty?

They are saying "expected fall groundbreaking". Since there is no need for any rezoning within AS I'd say the chances are very high that they'll meet that schedule.

Stratosphere 2020 Jun 10, 2006 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by 420MM
Novare is my hero! Great news that this is under construction, now when will they or have they already began this beauty?

I’m coming through Atlanta in January and it simply won’t get here fast enough. Such good times in the ATL!

That tower is going to be indeed a beauty. Can you imagine it at night with the lightning effects it will have?!

jason21atl Jun 12, 2006 10:40 PM

Does anyone know how much of the retail will be completed with the first phase of this project and how much will be completed with the future phases?

dirtybird Jun 13, 2006 4:13 AM

Does anybody know why they didn't demolish Loca Luna and McCray's? Is there just going to be one tower under construction for now?

mayhem Jun 13, 2006 5:01 AM

They'll both stay until phase II. McCrays will reopen in the 2nd tower as far as I've read.

MrIcon85 Jun 13, 2006 5:40 AM

Is there anything going next to the project were the parking lot is?

mayhem Jun 13, 2006 5:46 AM

A 40 Story residential tower from Hines and a boutique hotel.

CHAPINM1 Jun 13, 2006 6:34 AM

Where exactly is this site located? How far away from the Bank of America Tower? Is it kinda of in between the Bank of America Tower and the Bell South Building?

KevinFromTexas Jun 13, 2006 7:36 AM

Those are great looking towers. I really like that Trilogy project.

ATLmangum Jun 13, 2006 2:46 PM


Originally Posted by CHAPINM1
Where exactly is this site located? How far away from the Bank of America Tower? Is it kinda of in between the Bank of America Tower and the Bell South Building?

Its right behind Spire, I think.

jason21atl Jun 13, 2006 2:59 PM

It's right across the street from Spire on Peachtree St.......about mid way between the BOA tower and the 14th st cluster of highrises.

DonTallPaul Jun 13, 2006 3:30 PM

How is the project selling? Just curious what the chances are we see tower 2 and 3 any time soon or whether the market for these style Novare towers is cooling. Obviously people are predicating the market will cool, I'm curious if it really is.

smArTaLlone Jun 13, 2006 4:37 PM


Originally Posted by DonTallPaul
How is the project selling? Just curious what the chances are we see tower 2 and 3 any time soon or whether the market for these style Novare towers is cooling. Obviously people are predicating the market will cool, I'm curious if it really is.

They haven't even opened the sales office for this tower yet, but Twelve Centennial is said to be already over 50% sold with the sales office being open for just six weeks.

I remain convinced that recent intown developments have created more of a market and that the city in general and Midtown especially are among the hottest adresses in this large metro. I also think that when "destination" retail arrives on Peachtree, which Novare aims to do with this project, its a whole new ballgame.

CHAPINM1 Jun 16, 2006 8:07 AM

Have any height figures been released? Tower 1 which is 36 floors appears to be at least 470 to 480 feet to the main roof and in the 530 to 540 foot range to the tip of the spires.

ATLskyline Jun 16, 2006 8:15 AM


Originally Posted by CHAPINM1
Have any height figures been released? Tower 1 which is 36 floors appears to be at least 470 to 480 feet to the main roof and in the 530 to 540 foot range to the tip of the spires.

I dont think so, but I remember the hearing that the two floor retail will go up to mid 40 something feet, so if you want to estimate from that be my guest. something like 470' to 480' wouldn't surprise me, but I dont think will get up to 540'.

mayhem Jun 16, 2006 9:14 AM

Generally it seems Novare average about 12 ft per floor, as a median of the other projects. 432 ft is that median. I doubt it will hit 500 but it'll be good infill none the less.

DeliaC Jun 19, 2006 8:11 PM


Originally Posted by MrIcon85
Is there anything going next to the project were the parking lot is?

I think the parking lot you can see in the photos I took two weeks ago, which is bounded by 6th, Peachtree, Juniper, and 805 Peachtree/5th St, is owned by Marriott and nothing is planned there for now. That is to the south of the Triology development, south of 6th St. There is a parking lot on the north side, however, north of 7th St, where I believe a new hotel/residence development was announced recently, but you can't really see it in these pictures.

Does anyone have different info on the south parking lot that essentially serves 805 Peachtree?

-GR2NY- Jun 19, 2006 8:34 PM

good lord this thing is a beast!

DeliaC Jun 19, 2006 9:45 PM

Grading, and getting ready to lay some pipes which probably have a more technical name than just "pipes." The retaining wall between the Starbucks parking lot and the site has come down, as has the halfway house that flanked the Neil Reid building.

Jasonhouse Jun 20, 2006 12:18 AM

Novare's typical cookie cutter shit.

cabasse Jun 20, 2006 1:03 AM

cookie cutter at least... i don't mind it that much, it's infill. (and when it's called for, they do up the ante - eg the atlantic)

ATLmangum Jun 20, 2006 2:57 PM


Originally Posted by Jasonhouse
Novare's typical cookie cutter shit.

But what makes this project so great is the way the building interacts with the street. The street level retail is what is going to set this building apart from their other projects.

GThomas Jun 20, 2006 5:17 PM

Question... there are two pictures for this project... the phase I picture (with one building) is being built now, right? Will the other two buildings be the ones from the phase II picture or will they be more in the style of phase I? I seem to remember someone mentioning that they might all be in that Spire-minus-the-spire phase-I style (I hope not. :yuck:).

mayhem Jun 20, 2006 5:37 PM

I think all three of them will look like the one under construction now. Phase II is meant to be the same heigh as I

smArTaLlone Jun 20, 2006 5:39 PM


Originally Posted by ATLmangum
But what makes this project so great is the way the building interacts with the street. The street level retail is what is going to set this building apart from their other projects.

Exactly! IMO this project, 1010 Peachtree and the Park Pavilion will be BIG steps in the right direction for Atlanta in terms of street level treatment.

mayhem Jun 20, 2006 5:44 PM

Don't forget Allen Plaza :) There will be lots of retail, some two stories as well.

Wheelingman04 Jun 21, 2006 12:35 AM

It sure looks like a nice tower.

CHAPINM1 Jul 12, 2006 6:28 PM

On the Atlanta forum it was mentioned that the height is 501 feet, would that be just to the height of the main roof or the height including the spires?

foxmccleod Jul 12, 2006 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by CHAPINM1
On the Atlanta forum it was mentioned that the height is 501 feet, would that be just to the height of the main roof or the height including the spires?

I would venture the measurement is to the top of the spires.

CHAPINM1 Jul 12, 2006 10:57 PM

Makes sense, looks also like the height of the main roof is about 450 feet, maybe a little more.

BVC Jul 12, 2006 11:18 PM

Irregardless of roof height or spire height, this will stand up nicely in that area of town.

CHAPINM1 Jul 13, 2006 12:47 AM

This should get put on the Atlanta city page on this website as well as the height updated on Emporis.

jason21atl Aug 4, 2006 1:33 AM

Construction cam is now up and running:

SteveD Aug 4, 2006 2:46 AM

Excellent..thanks, Jason!

Chris Creech Aug 4, 2006 3:50 AM


Originally Posted by DeliaC

So I'm having to guess that they're working around the Neil Reed apartments.

Surely, They'll have to keep that.

Is it actually protected though?

He of course has nicer buildings (like the Reed House) but still, it's a nice little example of his work and a good example of midtown apartments from the period.

Are they apts. or condos? Seems like they'd almost have to be converted to luxury historic condos to keep up with the market.

Does anyone know what the actual units are like?

He also did that 8-9 story apartment building on the peachtree corner on the street that runs on the north side of the Biltmore (7th?). Someone should fix that one up into a nice boutique hotel.

mayhem Aug 4, 2006 9:18 AM

Novare will be rennovating the Reed apartments. I don't know that it's protected , I think it's moreso respected.

SteveD Aug 6, 2006 6:23 PM

I wonder why Novare didn't request the webcam to be put atop Spire? Isn't that Spire right across the street and wouldn't that have afforded a superior view?

(four 0 four) Aug 6, 2006 8:59 PM

:previous: Too close to the action. They wouldn't be able to fit the entire building into a shot after about 15 floors.

SteveD Aug 6, 2006 9:04 PM

aha...didn't think of that. I'm sure that's precisely the reason. Bingo.

ATLmangum Aug 7, 2006 9:02 PM

Looks like the crane is going up!!!

smArTaLlone Aug 8, 2006 2:20 PM


Originally Posted by ATLmangum
Looks like the crane is going up!!!

The crane is indeed going up already. Novare is just full speed ahead.

ATLmangum Aug 8, 2006 6:08 PM

Is that 905 Juniper to the left in the webcam view of Viewpoint?

smArTaLlone Aug 9, 2006 3:21 PM


Originally Posted by ATLmangum
Is that 905 Juniper to the left in the webcam view of Viewpoint?


I was just thinking, imagine what that exact view looked like in say 2000. The changes in that time period are truly amazing.

austin356 Aug 10, 2006 11:48 PM

The location of Viewpoint on peachtree, will be one of the most urban areas in the south within the next few years when when current projects are completed.

1010 pt.
viewpoint 1
viewpoint 2
viewpoint 3
Hines 1
hines 2
Cousin tower 1,2, and possibly 3 just to the south.

All with good, great, or excellent streetlevel retail.

pksiv Aug 12, 2006 8:48 PM


Originally Posted by GThomas
Question... there are two pictures for this project... the phase I picture (with one building) is being built now, right? Will the other two buildings be the ones from the phase II picture or will they be more in the style of phase I? I seem to remember someone mentioning that they might all be in that Spire-minus-the-spire phase-I style (I hope not. :yuck:).

I attended a couple of the DRC meetings for this project and the top picture in post 1 was the original plan and should no longer be used as a reference.

At that time, Novare didn't own the 25% of the property at 7th/Juniper so it was only a 2 bldg project(43 & 30 stories). One of the big objections was that Juniper was being treated as an alley with both buildings fronting P'tree. (Note the long glass-covered entrance to the back bldg.

Anyway, the project will now have up to 3 bldgs. The first one being 36 stories and the next two, if built, 33 stories each. They will now face Juniper and the retail will wrap all the way around and include retail on Juniper.

The parking structures will be built in such a way that as each phase is completed, the parking deck will be connected to the previous bldgs parking deck, forming a single mega-deck with a single very-large ammenities space on the 10th floor.

The big change in the first bldg I think is that instead of the patio at the corner of 6th/P'tree, there will actually be an architectural entrance to the shopping. I think the patio was only there at the time because the front entrance of the smaller bldg facing p'tree. So it could have a P'tree address of course.

It's been a few months since the last meeting so a lot of this could have changed but the photo I'm seeing for Phase I appears to be the same one and I don't remember any objections at the last DRC.

I have also heard recently that McCray's finally agreed to sell out their lease and move in the spring so that will help Novare build the entire phase I retail component.

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